Our partner acute trusts – Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts - provide clinical services to more than two million people across the south east. Each year we see nearly 20,000 suspected cancer patients and treat up to 6,500 cancer patients.
Our range of specialist services includes Europe’s largest liver transplant centre, Europe’s largest blood sciences laboratory, the UK’s largest live kidney donor programme and one of Europe’s largest bone marrow transplant centres. Our work integrates mental health care and we are supported by the Cicely Saunders Institute, the world’s first institute of palliative care.
Our CAG is committed to being:
- patient centred - patients are at the heart of our services with excellent access to, and experience of, care;
- research driven - research is undertaken by experts with the latest technologies to bring new treatments from the laboratory to our patients, leading the way in the discovery of cause, prevention, treatment and cure for cancer;
- clinically led - innovations are developed in cancer management, which are driven by clinicians in collaboration with researchers, managers and patients.
Our Haematology Clinical Academic Partnership is bringing together our strengths in clinical services, research and education, to deliver exceptional outcomes for patients. Our aim is to develop cures and vaccinations for haematological conditions so that future generations do not have to face lives with these diseases - from blood cancers to haemoglobinopathies, such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia, to haemophilia.
Together we aspire to be not only one of the leading comprehensive cancer centres in the UK but also one of the best in the world. We have ambitious plans to improve our services by working closely together.
Prof Arnie Purushotham, Leader of the Cancer Clinical Academic Group
We develop medical, nursing, allied health and managerial professionals using a wide range of academic and clinical training programmes. We also train the cancer researchers of the future and have over 200 postgraduate students.
Key achievements in education include:
- Establishing a global exchange programme in Translational Cancer Medicine between King’s College London/King’s Health Partners Cancer Centre (King's College London/King's Health Partners Cancer Centre); Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Mumbai
- Established a new joint research / training programme to “link expertise in the dissection of functional heterogeneity of the cancer genome and gain insight into cancer biological mechanisms”. The aim is to create an overseas attachment training programme at King's College London/King’s Health Partners Cancer Centre for PhD students (Health Sciences), students will spend up to one year within the King's College London/King’s Health Partners Cancer Centre Faculty in Genomics, Bioinformatics or Cancer Imaging.
We develop innovations that improve care for cancer patients through a cadre of world-class researchers. Our research programmes in haematology, breast and prostate cancer, palliative care, cell biology, imaging, epidemiology, cancer policy, nursing, urology and thoracic cancer are recognised internationally.
For more information about our research, please visit the King’s College London website.
The Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital allows us to provide the majority of our cancer services in state-of-the-art facilities.
The centre is a hub for south east London, providing specialist cancer services, training, development and research. It will help us to improve both cancer treatments and outcomes.
We are home to some of the best specialists in the country and offer the very latest facilities and pioneering treatments, thanks to our extensive research programmes.
The state-of-the-art building brings a wide range of cancer services under one roof, helping us to give our patients seamless care. The Cancer Centre offers a welcoming, uplifting environment, designed with patients at its heart.
Cancer CAG leaders
Prof Arnie Purushotham, Consultant Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS FT; Professor of Breast Cancer, Director of King's Health Partners Cancer Centre.
Prof Sean Whittaker, Professor of Cutaneous Oncology, King’s College London; Consultant Dermatologist, Clinical director Guy's and St Thomas' NHS FT, Co-director of King’s Health Partners Comprehensive Cancer Centre.