Education, training, and events

Our work in Education and training aims to build on the skills and assets of the partnership. KHP WCH facilitates the delivery of multi-professional training across the partner organisations.

We provide develop and deliver short courses, MSc modules, e-learning and simulation training for clinical professionals. In doing so, we support skills and career development across professional groups, facilitate workforce innovation and the translation of knowledge into action. We work with colleagues to develop and deliver training to enhance clinical skills. We promote and support clinical-academic career development, addressing barriers to growing clinical academic leaders of the future.

Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine - Post-graduate-level training

 The Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine (  is a postgraduate module that brings together professions usually trained in silos, to enhance effective learning and ways of working.

This core module provides the opportunity for clinicians who care for pregnant women and birthing people to advance their knowledge of obstetric medicine in a multidisciplinary setting which encompasses medical disorders in pregnancy. Students are actively engaged via specialist lectures and interactive learning opportunities. The module draws on the clinical and academic strengths across King’s Health Partners. The module is open to all health professionals working on the ‘shop floor’ and is delivered by an expert faculty including obstetricians, anaesthetists, midwives, and advanced nurse practitioners.

View the course Introduction by Dr Anita Banerjee and hear from some of our students:

The Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine - Introduction by Dr Anita Bannerjee

How the Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine course is improving maternal health

Adolescence for Clinicians: An escape room

The Adolescence for Clinicians: An escape room course is an innovative ‘escape-room’ format online training in communications. It aims to support effective communications with adolescents in everyday and challenging situations. The course includes simulation, group discussions, and didactic teaching. Participants gain insights into eating disorders, mental health, and social psychological issues through three pre-recorded practical scenarios.

 This course is delivered online with pre-recorded course material on King’s Health Partners Learning Hub. This course is open to all clinicians who work with adolescents including junior doctors, paramedics, GPs, physicians, surgeons, specialists, paramedics, and nurses of all grades and specialty.

 The course runs twice per year. For upcoming dates, please check the course webpage or enquire directly via

Paediatric Simulation Training: Virtual Communication study days

The Paediatric Simulation Training – Virtual Communication study days ( course is designed to enable colleagues to  practice  their communication skills in challenging scenarios in paediatrics. The training aims to improve the communication skills of paediatric doctors in training. This half-day training developed by the London School of Paediatrics and KHP Women and Children's Health is aimed at paediatric doctors who are international medical graduates and open to all paediatric doctors in training.

This course is delivered online and usually runs four times per year.

For next dates please visit our events listings.

Paediatric Communication Skills - simulation 17th June (

Women and Children’s Health Research seminar series 

Our Research Seminar Series is jointly hosted by King’s Health Partners Women and Children’s Health and King College London Department of Women and Children’s Health

To hear about the next event sign up to our Mailing list or suggest topics via  

View past recordings here.

Women and Children’s Health Simulation Network

The group, chaired by Anita Banerjee, including KHP partners and external organisations, had been convened in September, 2023 as an opportunity to discuss approaches for simulation training, share expertise and learn from each other. We meet every two months with an aim to co-produce a meaningful strategy to identify gaps and support each other with the simulation delivery for women and children. The recent in-person workshop (30th April, 2024), brought together simulation leads across GSTT, KCH, SLaM and Maudsley Learning, and King’s SAiL, and received great feedback as we started new conversations and a shared vision in supporting our fellow partners with the simulation delivery. The next stages will see the co-ordination and development of a live directory for the partners to feed into. For enquiries, please contact the Education and Training team 

Skills clinics

The KHP Women and Children’s Health team host regular research skills clinics for colleagues across all disciplines working in Women’s and Children’s Health across KHP.

To hear about the next event sign up to our Mailing list via

KHP WCH team are happy to provide research support at any time. Please contact us via any of the following routes