The lead for Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) Closer to Home shares how patient ideas informed the project.
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The importance of patient and public involvement in shaping healthcare
25 March 2025
Dr Sarah Crabtree, Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement (PPIE) Coordinator for the KHP Centre for Translational Medicine, explains more about incorporating PPIE into your workflow, and shares useful resources.
28 March 2023
28 March 2023Haematology Blog
Dr Robin Sanderson of King’s College Hospital and King’s College London updates on this therapy that is designed to kill cancer cells.
28 March 2023Blog Value Based Healthcare
Justine Patterson guest blogs on how Lewisham’s population health platform used the Vital 5 to reduce health inequalities.
28 March 2023KHPeople
KHP's Digital Content Manager takes us behind the scenes of producing the Mind of the Matter video series, and why she loves what she does.
28 March 2023Mind and Body blog
Katie Susser, Critical Care Recovery Nurse Lead, shares her thoughts on the importance of sleep for patients receiving critical care.
28 March 2023KHPeople
"It was a type of cancer that could’ve been detected and treated early" - A Clinical Nurse Specialist shares what drove him to specialise
28 March 2023News Women and Children's Health
King’s Health Partners Women and Children’s Health rounds up the key facts about endometriosis.
15 March 2023KHPeople Women and Children's Health
Following International Women’s Day, Samara Ruberg sits down with Prof Laura Magee to learn more about her research on pregnancy.
15 March 2023News Academic Surgery
Find out how a cross-partnership approach led to a world first in robotic surgery.
15 March 2023Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Obesity, Vision and Related Services Blog
Dr Kate Hunt and Dr Dulmini Kariyawasam share progress of two projects to improve diabetes care for young adults in south east London.
15 March 2023News Academic Surgery
Prof Prokar Dasgupta interviews Dr Sam Thenabadu about the new GKT School of Medicine undergraduate surgical curriculum.
15 March 2023KHPeople Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Obesity, Vision and Related Services
Find out how Dr Duncan gained his passion, the best thing about the job, and when to not let your line managers off the hook.