10 May 2023

The obstetric physician and educationalist on the increasing complexity of caring for pregnant women and how she shares her knowledge with others. 

What’s your role at King’s Health Partners (KHP)?   

I work as an obstetric physician and an educationalist. My interests lie in supporting the multi-professional team managing complex pregnant women. I have been involved with King’s Health Partners since the COVID-19 pandemic developing a case study of a pregnant woman with COVID-19.  

I have supported the training of health professionals across the sector and been involved in webinars for the community colleagues managing pregnant women with diabetes and hypertension. In the past two years, I have delivered a multidisciplinary Postgraduate Level 7 module “The Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine”. The module draws upon all the clinical and academic strengths within King’s Health Partners and the King’s College London Department of Women and Children's Health. We have developed a simulation program alongside the module to support training in human factors that maternal outcomes for maternal health. 

What inspired you to get into this work?   

Sharing knowledge and supporting the wider team are integral to my practice. I have been involved in caring for complex pregnant women for many years. The rapid change in the obstetric landscape with complexity is only rising in our high-pressure healthcare system. From my work as a MBBRACE assessor reviewing maternal deaths and the obstetric physician for the Ockenden Review Team I believe training the workforce and providing a platform for education is essential. 

What do you enjoy most about your work?   

The privilege of meeting and conversing with my patients and the health care professionals from all settings. The professional curiosity when we approach each patient and how we enthuse our staff to sustain it is at the heart of work satisfaction and career development. 

What are the benefits of working in partnership?  

Teamwork and sharing good practice. Seeing education through a 360-degree lens.  

What would be your career top tip?  

Do something that energises you. When you are compassionate and energised you will bring out the best in you and your team. Teaching and learning together energises me. 

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