28 March 2023

"It was a type of cancer that could’ve been detected and treated early" - A Clinical Nurse Specialist shares what drove him to specialise in cancer screening and care.

Tell us about your role at King’s College Hospital

I work as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, specialising in bowel cancer screening. My role in cancer care is primarily focused on early diagnosis.

What inspired you to get into this work?

My experience with cancer is something really personal. My grandmother, who was really dear and close to me, succumbed to cancer about five years ago. It was a type of cancer that could’ve been detected and treated early but we did not have these screening services back home. That is the reason why I encourage, empower and enable my patients that I see in my clinic to participate in the national bowel cancer screening programme as people with colorectal cancer would not normally show symptoms until the late stage, so it is absolutely paramount to get tested.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Oh, it's the small stuff. I enjoy communicating with and interacting with my patients. I like to get to know and initiate pleasant conversations with them, and I can sense their trust emanating towards me. I appreciate that very much. Supporting cancer patients is definitely a tough job! There are days that we fight our emotions and maintain our composure, especially in breaking the bad news, but equally rewarding as patients would always appreciate and remember what you did for them at their lowest.

What would be your career top tip?

Don’t go hard on yourself, we all have to start somewhere. It’s a daily learning process so just don’t be hard on yourself – learn and enjoy the experience.