21 March 2025

All the resources and training you need to support residents with their Vital 5 are now available in one convenient location.

The new Future NHS workspace provides healthcare professionals with a comprehensive collection of videos, workshops and interactive training designed to help you manage the five key risk factors which can make a big difference to people's health and wellbeing. These five areas are:

  • healthy blood pressure;
  • stopping smoking;
  • safe drinking;
  • healthy mind; and
  • healthy weight.

When people know their Vital 5, they get a picture of how healthy they are and what areas to work on in the future. Focusing our energies on tackling these five key risk factors has the potential to make a big difference to the health of our communities.The new workspace also provides an overview of the Vital 5 Check, a standardised prevention health and wellbeing check, and relevant resources to support your conversations with residents.

NHS staff can use the workspace by visiting our homepage and requesting access there using their @nhs email address. Non-NHS staff will need to send an email request to be granted access.

Our Future NHS workspace will be updated as and when new resources and training become available. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact Vital5check@kcl.ac.uk