As Lead Clinician at the Brain Health Clinic, Devon and the team offer remote support services for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment. She says: “The passion the team has in working to improve the lives of people living with cognitive impairment is truly inspiring.”
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The importance of patient and public involvement in shaping healthcare
25 March 2025
Dr Sarah Crabtree, Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement (PPIE) Coordinator for the KHP Centre for Translational Medicine, explains more about incorporating PPIE into your workflow, and shares useful resources.
News stories match your chosen filters
25 November 2024
25 November 2024KHPeople Women and Children's Health
Prof Slonims focuses on advancing care for individuals with severe communication impairments, and tells us how interventions in the home are valued most by families.
25 November 2024Neurosciences
Dr Paul Shotbolt updates on the launch of Maudsley Neurotechnology (MNT) - a cross-partnership initiative.
25 November 2024Cardiovascular and Respiratory
COPD contributes to NHS winter pressures, so a new project in south east London is working to proactively support at-risk patients.
20 November 2024KHPeople Neurosciences
The research fellow reveals the freedom of clinical academia, and how research is a lot like a game of football...
18 November 2024News Mind & Body
Through his new roles, Prof Hotopf will play a critical role in working with Prof Graham Lord, KHP’s Executive Director and Chief Academic Officer for King’s College London, to create opportunities for effective clinical academic integration across our partners.
14 November 2024News Haematology
KHP News sits down with Prof Eric So, Professor and Chair in Leukaemia Biology, King’s College London, to talk about his team’s work on the molecular biology of normal and leukaemia stem cells (LSCs). Understanding normal and LSCs will transform how patients react to treatment.
13 November 2024News Academic Surgery
Three participants of the KHP Executive Fellowship in Surgical Leadership tell KHP News about the positive impact the course had on their development. Anyone wanting to improve their all-round leadership skills, they say, should consider applying to be part of the 2025 cohort.
13 November 2024KHPeople Digital health and data sciences
As a Senior Research Fellow in AI Methods Applied to Health Records, Dr Holgate explains his work developing and applying Artificial Intelligence methodologies to Electronic Health Records for medical research.
12 November 2024News Mind & Body
An increased demand for some rare blood subtypes, that are more common in people of Black heritage, means the NHS Blood and Transplant service needs more donors of Black Heritage. In a personal blog, Carl Nwabudike, KHP Mind & Body, shares his experience of donating blood for the first time to encourage others to donate as blood stock supplies are critically low.
12 November 2024Mind & Body
The Pain: Equality of Care and Support in the Community (PEACS) project is working with local charity Art4Space, to support people living with chronic pain and improve their quality of life.
11 November 2024
'A Centre of Research for Nurses and Midwives' (ACORN) nine-month internship helps nurses and midwives to become leaders in research. KHP News spoke to Emilie Wicks, Diana Osmund, and Hilary Thompson, to find out how the internship helped them develop their research skills and experience to achieve their career ambitions.