The Consultant Clinical Psychologist on what inspires her work to help people to live meaningfully and well with cancer.
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The importance of patient and public involvement in shaping healthcare
25 March 2025
Dr Sarah Crabtree, Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement (PPIE) Coordinator for the KHP Centre for Translational Medicine, explains more about incorporating PPIE into your workflow, and shares useful resources.
News stories match your chosen filters
15 October 2024
1 October 2024News
The KHP Annual Conference explored the partnership's strategic priorities on personalised health, digital health and data science and population health, with a focus on practical approaches to equity, diversity and inclusion in health. Catch up with the presentations from the day.
1 October 2024Academic Surgery
Artist Amrut Sawant paints the health journey of a man who recovered from prostate cancer as a result of a robotic operation performed by Prof Prokar Dasgupta OBE. In this blog Dr Ami Shah explains the story behind the painting.
1 October 2024KHPeople
The NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Translational Therapeutics discusses his love of research and teaching, and the 'amazing' opportunity of having world-class partnership facilities within easy reach of his office.
24 September 2024KHPeople Neurosciences
Basirah tells us about her work on Neuro-rehabilitation wards preparing patients and their families for 'new reality'.
17 September 2024Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Obesity, Vision and Related Services Mind & Body
KHP Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity recently conducted a health needs assessment to better understand the needs of people living with both a severe mental illness and type 2 diabetes.
17 September 2024Cardiovascular and Respiratory
We hear about the findings from the international BETTER-B randomised trial. The aim of the project was to test the effectiveness of mirtazapine (a drug repurposed for severe breathlessness) in patients with advanced respiratory diseases.
11 September 2024Haematology
Multiple myeloma, also known as myeloma, is a type of bone marrow cancer.
4 September 2024News
Prof Graham Lord, MA MB BChir PhD FRCP FRSB FMedSci, NIHR Senior Investigator Emeritus, joins King's Health Partners as its new Executive Director.
3 September 2024Academic Surgery
Mr Karagama – consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon and laryngologist – shares how he is supporting the the development of surgical innovations with the aim transform his practice and improve quality of life for patients.
3 September 2024Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Obesity, Vision and Related Services
As newly elected president for the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Prof Emma Duncan will champion the KHP ethos of clinical academic collaboration, to help people living with bone-related disorders across the globe.
2 September 2024
The Institute represents an exciting opportunity to combine resources and research strengths across King's Health Partners.