The Centre for Translational Medicine brings together the organisations of King’s Health Partners and generous funding from the Guy's and St Thomas' Charity to work in partnership to improve the health of people locally, nationally, and globally.

This is through accelerating research and innovation that improves the detection, prevention, and treatment of disease. 

The Centre for Translational Medicine aims to: 

  • address the major health burdens for local, national and global communities – and to challenge existing health inequalities;  
  • combine our outstanding clinical and scientific expertise to deliver excellent outcomes for patients;   
  • develop the next generation of clinical-academic leaders, skilled in delivering impactful translational biomedical research.   

For more information about the Centre for Translational Medicine and its funding offers, email: See below for our open funding calls:

Upcoming Fellowships events

  • KHP Centre for Translational Medicine - PPIE Drop-In Sessions

    Event date and time: 14 April 2025, 1:00pm to 2:00pm


    Event description:

    We invite you to a KHP CTM Patient and Public Involvement/ Engagement (PPIE) drop-in session. The CTM PPIE Coordinator, Dr Sarah Crabtree, will answer your questions, provide guidance / advice, and connect you to available resources.

  • KHP Centre for Translational Medicine - PPIE Drop-In Sessions

    Event date and time: 13 May 2025, 1:00pm to 2:00pm


    Event description:

    We invite you to a KHP CTM Patient and Public Involvement/ Engagement (PPIE) drop-in session. The CTM PPIE Coordinator, Dr Sarah Crabtree, will answer your questions, provide guidance / advice, and connect you to available resources.

  • KHP Centre for Translational Medicine - PPIE Drop-In Sessions

    Event date and time: 10 June 2025, 1:00pm to 2:00pm


    Event description:

    We invite you to a KHP CTM Patient and Public Involvement/ Engagement (PPIE) drop-in session. The CTM PPIE Coordinator, Dr Sarah Crabtree, will answer your questions, provide guidance / advice, and connect you to available resources.

 Closed funding calls

Previous funding calls are listed below. Open funding calls will be listed here when available.

This call provided funding for the essential, often ‘hard to fund’ infrastructure to deliver high quality translational research.

Ten areas of activity have received awards, underpinning areas of clinical and academic excellence with emerging strengths and cross-cutting themes of data and diagnostics, to address the needs of patients and communities, and reduce health inequalities. 

This fellowship scheme provides one year pump-prime funding to provide protected research time and training for predoctoral health professionals working in translational medicine. During the year, Fellows will develop external funding applications to support doctoral research.

Learn more about the fellows awarded in the first cohort.

The second round of the fellowship applications has now closed. Next application round is expected to open late 2025.

This fellowships scheme offers up to 24 months full-time protected research time for postdoctoral health professionals. These fellowships support fellows to apply for more substantial and competitive research funding to further their clinical academic careers.

Learn more about the first cohort of successful fellows. Read the KHPeople profiles of some of the successful fellows: Dr Alice Beardmore-Gray, Dr Ryan McNally, and Dr Thomas Day.

The second round of the fellowship application has now closed. The next application round is expected to open late 2025.

Patient and public involvement

We have dedicated Patient and public involvement and engagement support. If you would like support in this area or if you are a member of the public or an expert by experience in the health field and would like to be part of our PPIE team please get in touch with Sarah: