As part of the South London and Maudsley Quality Centre, our CAG sets the standards for treatment for more than 50 teams, 650 staff and for more than 7,000 service users across Southwark, Lambeth, Lewisham and Croydon.
The services we work with fall under one of three care pathways: early intervention, which provides community and inpatient care for people at high risk of psychosis, and people experiencing a first episode of psychosis; promoting recovery, which provides community care for people with a psychotic disorder who are not in an acute crisis, but require continued treatment; and complex care which provides rehabilitation services, as well as community based placement monitoring and review.
Education and training
We have a strong record in providing specialised clinical training for our staff. We also host students from a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at King's College London.
Our research activity is organised around psychosis care pathways. This has fostered the development of early intervention, relapse prevention and treatment resistance as academic specialities in their own right.
Clinical Academic Group Leaders
Dr Juliet Hurn (interim), Consultant Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS FT.
Prof James MacCabe, Professor of Epidemiology and Therapeutics, King's College London.