Staff Health and Wellbeing

Below is a collection of resources that can be used by teams to promote better staff health and wellbeing:

Mind & Body Staff Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

The toolkit offers all staff working across health and care services a collection of resources all in the one place, that they can use to support the mind and body health and wellbeing of their team. It includes wellbeing tips and ideas for teams, bitesize sessions on a variety of topics that can be independently led by teams, as well as information and links to existing resources for all NHS staff and in particular, King’s Health Partners staff. The toolkit has been designed to use electronically and can also be printed for practical use. Download the toolkit.

To request an accessible version of the toolkit, please contact

NHS Employers Staff health and wellbeing 

The NHS Employers Staff health and wellbeing page contains lots of good resources, and also includes a framework through which wellbeing for teams can be organised, and a library of resources here.

The Wheel of Well-being

The Wheel of Well-being was designed in 2008 as part of Big Lottery Well London’s programme. It is an ongoing project run in collaboration with the Mental Health Promotion Team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.


A Mindapple is a day-to-day activity that is good for your mind. The concept of Mindapples can be used to help people manage their minds, and can be used for a brief, simple and effective team wellbeing session. 

Mindfulness meditations on the IMPARTS website

On the Integrating Mental & Physical healthcare: Research, Training & Services (IMPARTS) website there are a number of recordings of mindfulness meditations, led by Dr Jane Hutton, Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Psychological Medicine at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The recordings, which can be found towards the bottom of the page, and they vary in length from 3 to 40 minutes.

Partner Staff Health and Wellbeing Pages

Each of our four partner organisations have health and wellbeing teams, and websites for staff and students - search your intranet for more.